Today we released the new and significantly improved CAM editor toolset along with 3 new companion 'How to' quick videos (see here to view).
The main focus is integrating JSON handling alongside the existing
XML capabilities to provide developers with the ability to use either or
both from the single set of infrastructure.
This provide JSON developers with the ability to quickly build
visual data models, use robust XML content validation services and
generate XSD schema and JAXB bindings without having to do all those
tasks by hand or know the nuances of complex XSD schema or XML handling.
For XML developers it provides a rapid ability to use JSON as an
option in their information exchanges and web service integration for
supporting mobile and web-based application needs.
In addition to these new JSON capabilities the existing
functionality has significantly improved performance and capability.
The CAMV validation engine now runs up to 20 times faster for large XML
validation input and with templates containing setChoice() rules. For
comparison a 500+ rules validation template with large 15MB sample COBie
CAD/CAM smart building XML export now runs in 19 seconds instead of
previously taking over 9 minutes.
Then the drag and drop dictionary components handling has similarly
been significantly improved. Large sets of components now are inserted
in real time with low memory overhead thus dramatically improving the
user experience and ability to quickly build information exchanges from
XML dictionaries of predefined domain components. The video shows using
the Education domain to rapidly build a StudentDetails report with
grades, achievements and student data.
For the Open-XDX open data API toolset we have added bi-directional
support. This means using the same CAM template and the SQL drag and
drop interface you can design Update/Insert SQL database web services
along with the query services. Again the focus is on providing simple
and rapid application development support. Example code and resources
can be found at our GitHub site while on line demonstrations are available from the site.
Further enhancements include a new Dictionary Evaluation report.
This tool analyzes the XML components in a dictionary and highlights
design issues, omissions, duplicates and more that would be extremely
tedious to detect by hand. This allows a development team to
collaboratively improve the quality of their core components and their
reuse across a project implementation.
Last but not least we have improved the XSD schema importing and
exporting resolving a range of complexity nuances not previously handled
allow improved accuracy and compatibility with XSD schema.
In summary the new release provides:
o All new JSON capabilities and template type
o Bi-directional data processing using Open-XDX for open data query and update
o Dramatically improved Dictionary components drag and drop
o New report for Dictionary evaluation and analysis
o Significant CAMV rules engine performance improvements
o Better XSD schema importing and exporting
We look forward to seeing the enhanced solutions this helps people deliver to their customers.