Examining the inner workings of XML and NIEM

Saturday, July 14, 2012

CAMV and TEAM Engine (Test, Evaluation, And Measurement) suite development

The CAMV engine is ideal for rapidly developing Test, Evaluation, And Measurement (TEAM) test suites for XML information exchanges.  The concise CAM rules syntax leverages XPath v2.0 capabilities. This means that rules are declarative along with acting directly on the XML structure and hence this dramatically simplifies rule assertions. 

Coupled to this is the ability of the CAM Editor visual IDE to automate much of the tasks involved in test suite and Compliance and Interoperability Testing development and implementation.  This includes automatic harvesting of rules from existing XSD schema definitions, automatic generation of XML test instances with realistic test data hints, and generation of HTML documentation of the business rules. Then rule entry wizards simplify the task of rule entry and are accessible via a "right click" popup menu tool directly from the XML instance structure viewer in the CAM Editor IDE. Compliance test rules are implemented in XPath language syntax that can be run interactively in the CAM Editor IDE against XML test instances and results visually diagnosed. 

Completed rules templates may then be deployed via ANT scripts as automated test suites for validation of arbitrary XML information exchange samples.  The ANT scripts support use of drop folders, so any test cases dropped into the designated folder will then be inspected and validated against the applicable rules templates.

For more information on utilizing these techniques and tools, along with sample Test Suites please see the Sourceforge.net resources site for the CAM tools - and the CAMV Test Suites link.